Tuesday, March 27, 2007

!N!N!N!N!......through the outdoor.

After 3 harrowing months on the Chicago GSB W/L, I am, apparently(according to an anonymous, seemingly attractive 5am voice) IN.

In the middle of a honey oatmeal cookie at the Bangalore airport Coffee Day, got a call from a lady who told me so. At first, thought it was my brother because of the code "00301"-usually France lines start off with 0033...but all I heard was "You are off the waitlist" and like a Hindi movie, profuse emoshuns flowed (with Ramayan style "happy veena musik" in background)causing utter blabber "Am in Bangalore and am going to Pune..."Yes, I am already up because I had woken up earlier"..."Thank you so much,sir"...so on and so forth...Sheesh, what embarassment. I am sure hitherto referred-to voice is seriously wondering about my TOEFL scores. Esp. after I wanted to know if "off the waitlist is IN or OUT".

There's so many people I owe so much to, that I don't know where to start off the usual "Danks you" speech...right now, I think I will revel in this merciful numbness until reality seeps in later...as someone just famous said, "It will soon enough with the 80K deposit".

Thank god bless...er...Amen.

PS: Didnt plan to post this until I get the formal mail, but then again cheap thrills beckon...;-)