Monday, October 15, 2007

U.Chicago wins the Nobel...again!

Roger Myerson has won the Nobel prize this year along with 2 others from the USA. For the details, which are obviously inexplicable here, you can jump onto the links from Amit Varma.

Maybe such intimidating intellectual horsepower is the reason why some of the stuff in Micro-econ goes swooshing right over my head to this pesky woman behind me, who delights in asking 2 minute questions to Bob Topel, one of my favorite professors - with analogies of a pizza and beer economy and marginal utility trade-offs between sex & rock n'roll, who else!

Next year, the Nobel's going to be Eugene Fama... and guess where he teaches.

(I know...totally undeserved arrogance from someone who doesn't fully understand supply/demand curves...yet!)


Anonymous said...

psst...Need some ganja supply pal!

eeeh.. getting a cold turkey right now..

help help!

I got a call. Need your help. please check your mail and reply.


arjun at lehman dot com

Amu said...

Read your posts...from first to last...all at one go. Interesting profile, interesting posts, and even more interesting thought process. for me, 28/F/India...have done my MBA from IIFT, India (heard about it?), working for last 5 years, aspiring to do my MBA, thinking about that G-thing for last few months, have not picked up books as yet, will start as part of my new year resolution (heehee), jumping from one blog to another to get more info. found yours really interesting. Thought will drop in a comment.
Can I bug you more later during my MBA journey?
Name is Ams.

Canary said...

Where are thou??

Iday said...

Celebrating 1 yr of silence ;P

Canary said...
